Homebrew Rules
Orginization & Governments
What Happened After the Show
World Creation

     Here I hope to include things I’ve created and a great many items that were introduced in the shows past the time frame that the game’s setting takes place in. While I might not get everything, I hope to fill these pages with some tantalizing gear me and my players will want to, well, play with. Please feel free to use anything you find here, I simply ask you to credit me if possible.

Kits In This Setting
     Since the U.N. has taken over they hasn’t been a lot of innovation or new devices out of R&D. Add to that that the ‘Peacekeeping’ forces aren’t called on as much, many of the weapons and armor supplies are low on stock and deemed for ‘Special Operation’ only. This means that if you are based anywhere other than an ‘Active Conflict Zone’, you are limited to Gate Camp Kits and Base Kits at best. Those stationed at Embassies and the like are limited to Base Kits.

Tool Proficiency Notes
     One of the things you may find in the description of tools and gear I add doesn’t let you add your Proficiently Bonus to rolls using these items. You will find sometimes you don’t roll to use the tool/gear, instead Proficiency in that item gives you Advantage to a Skill rolls. This will be spelled out in the description of each item.
Stargate Logistics SGC