Homebrew Rules
Orginization & Governments
What Happened After the Show
World Creation

     After playing/running this edition of the game I and my players found a few things we wanted added or changed. I am adding things here that I may or may not allow in my game but include it in case I or my players need it. Please feel free to use anything you find here, I simply ask you credit me if possible.

Additions and Clarifications:

Overwatch (action): Choose a 45° cone to monitor. Once before your next turn, after a target within that area moves or takes an action, you may choose to make a ranged attack against them. You have advantage on this attack and may resolve the attack using the lowest cover level the target had during its turn (thus simulating an attack while someone runs across a gap or stands from cover to shoot). You can use this action only if you haven’t moved during this turn, and after you use the action, your speed is 0 until the beginning of your next turn. This does not use your Reaction.

Suppressive/Covering Fire (action): You fire continuously at the enemy hoping to rattle the enemy for a short time. This action will cast you 10 bullets from a firearm with the automatic trait or 5 from any other firearm. Choose a 45° cone to fire on and until the beginning of your next turn anyone on the cone has the Frightened condition.
Stargate Logistics SGC